• ESSER II and III Budget Dashboard

    The dashboard provides a detailed look at the funds spent by each activity for the fiscal year. The amounts will be updated monthly to reflect the most recent data available, which might lag by a month.

    See Esser fund plan allocations


    Engaging the public

    To help determine how to use the ESSER III funds, Dallas ISD embarked on an extensive outreach to stakeholders through public town halls, parent surveys and a task force. Parents and community members identified as priorities increased compensation; increased support for social and emotional learning; tutoring and one-on-one support for students; improving technology and instructional resources; and smaller class sizes

    See a PowerPoint on the ESSER plan from a June public hearing.

  • ESSER 1 Allocation - $61.9 Million
    ESSER 2 Expected Allocation - $241.7 Million
    ESSER 3 Expected Allocation - $542.9 Million


    Dallas ISD is investing ESSER funds in these critical areas.

  • About the focus areas

    The "Healthy Students, Healthy Schools, Healthy Community" strategy focuses on physical, mental, and emotional health.

    The "Equitable Access to Learning & Enrichment" strategy focuses on ensuring every student can fully engage with learning while also having access to outstanding enrichment opportunities.

    The "Learning Recovery & Acceleration" strategy will help mitigate learning loss caused by the pandemic.


    Within the three critical areas, Dallas ISD is using ESSER funds to support five programs.

    These are the activities that Dallas ISD is currently planning to make the largest investment with ESSER funds.


  • Next Steps

    Dallas ISD is committed to transparency as it looks to use ESSER funds to support students.

    These are the next steps in the process.

    1. Continue approval, implementation, monitoring and guidance for continuous improvement of activities through the Implementation and Improvement Committee 
    2. Finalize evaluation and progress monitoring system for the programs and activities
    3. Reach out to stakeholders for input on investment of ESSER funds

    Presentation to District Advisory Council On Nov. 9


    Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the purpose of the ARP ESSER III funds?

  • How much funding is available to Texas LEAs?

  • How will LEAs know their grant amounts?

  • What is the funding period for ARP ESSER III grants?

  • What are the federal requirements around the LEA ESSER III Use of Funds Plan?

  • Are the ESSER III funds required to be used for specific purposes?

  • Are there recommended uses of ESSER III funds that will assist LEAs in addressing the impact of the COVID pandemic and disruptions leading to learning loss?

  • What are some of the allowable uses of the ARP ESSER III funds?

  • Will the state provide replacement funds for ESSER after 2023?