• btw Greater Scholar Artists

    Genevieve Ma'Yet, Sponsor



    What is a GSA? 

    Greater Scholar Artists (GSA) is a student-run club in a high school or middle school that brings together LGBTQ and straight students to support each other, provide a safe place to socialize, and create a platform for activism to fight homophobia and transphobia.  

    What does GSA Network do?

    GSA Network helps LGBTQ students and straight allies organize GSA clubs focused on activism to create safer schools.

    GSA Network’s resources empower students to advocate for safe schools policies, mobilize their peers to stand up for safety and equality, and train teachers to stop bullying.

    By providing in-depth leadership and activist training for youth, GSA Network is building a generation of leaders for LGBTQ rights and social justice.

    As a youth-driven organization, GSA Network brings the voices and perspectives of youth to the forefront of the LGBTQ movement.