Ms. Wallen
I am one of the US History teachers here at Seagoville High School and this is my third year at Seagoville High School. I received my B.A. in History with a Certification in Secondary Education from The University of Texas at Dallas and have always loved teaching. Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns.
What supplies do your child need?
The supplies needed for my class will include a 3 ring binder and any writing utensils students prefer. Students are encouraged to bring their own supplies, but I will provide them if needed. Students will also be expected to have their school issued computers and chargers with them at all times.
What are my Google Classroom codes?
1st Period: ahdkrg4
2nd Period: dxrieam
4th Period: jncgqjx
7th Period: nlopszq
8th Period: cw44pvz
When do I have tutoring?
I will have tutoring every Thursday afternoon from 4:45pm - 5:45pm. I will also do tutoring on an as needed basis if a student is needing tutoring on a different day or time. However, this can only be scheduled in person or via email.
Additonal Resources
The following link will take you to our classroom website. All other assignments, announcements, and work will be posted in class period specific googleclassrooms.