Mrs. Montgomery is a licensed Registered Nurse (licensed by the board of nurse examiner) in State of Texas. 9 years prior military in US Navy.

    Mrs. Montgomery has been in the education systems as a school nurse for the past 8 years and enjoys her job. She has a longing desire to see our students healthy. She states "Our student health is important to me. I understand for a child to be successful and to learn adequately he/she must be in good health. I believe that poor health = poor learning and good health = good learning. My aim is to assist in the educational process by caring for and maintaining the health status of our student by partnering with their teachers and their parents to ensure the success of students."

    Booker T. Washington High School Nurse's Corner

    Welcome to BTWHSPVA Nurse's Corner. Here are some helpful tips to make the enrollment process a little bit easier and successful.

    First, having current immunization information at the time of enrollment is important. It is the Texas State Law that all students are current and must follow the Texas State Immunization Requirements in order to be in school. Here is the website where you may find the most updated immunization schedule: http://www.immunizetexas.org/.

    Second, try to compile all shot information into one clear and understandable record and make sure all dates have a signature and/or stamp from the doctor, nurse or health facility where the shots were given.

    Third, have all shot information with you at time of enrollment if you are transferring from another school out of district, out of town, or out of state.

    Also, All medication require a physicians order. Please see page 48 of the student handbook for more information. Report to the clinic for the proper district form for medication administration. More information may be found:


    I am here to aid you through this process and help it to go as smoothly as possible as well as making sure we have what we need to care for your child in order for them to be successful. Clinic hours 8:15a – 4:00p

    LaShanda Montgomery, R.N; BSN.    

    School Nurse
