• Teacher Name

    Club Name

    Club Description 

    Club Location

    Ms. Ajuluchukwu




    Ms. Jaramillo

    Heart of Hawthorne - Learning Through the School Garden (Garden Club)

    Heart of Hawthorne - Aprendiendo a través del jardín escolar (Club de jardinería)

    The Heart of Hawthorne aims to support academic achievement, social and emotional well-being, and the development of healthy lifestyle choices. A campus garden will be instrumental in reducing stress among students, while making a positive impact on self-esteem and over-all development. The Heart of Hawthorne will aid in providing a comprehensive awareness of the environment and the aspects of successful gardening, while making cross-curricular connections to all subject areas. Students who participate in the garden will increase their sense of pride as they are members of a group within the campus that gives back to others through fellowship and community involvement.

    The Heart of Hawthorne tiene como objetivo apoyar el rendimiento académico, el bienestar social y emocional y el desarrollo de opciones de estilo de vida saludables. Un jardín en el campus será fundamental para reducir el estrés entre los estudiantes, al tiempo que tendrá un impacto positivo en la autoestima y el desarrollo general. The Heart of Hawthorne ayudará a proporcionar una conciencia integral del medio ambiente y los aspectos de una jardinería exitosa, al tiempo que establece conexiones transversales con todas las áreas temáticas. Los estudiantes que participan en el jardín aumentarán su sentido de orgullo, ya que son miembros de un grupo dentro del campus que retribuye a los demás a través del compañerismo y la participación comunitaria.

    • Coaches office / Outside in garden area 

    Omar Galvan


    Solving Riddles

    Read or look at a riddle and try to solve using background knowledge, current knowledge, and clues.

    Leer y ver un enigma y tratar de resolver usando información de contexto, información actual  y pistas.

    • Room 242



    Kindness Club

    Do you enjoy..

    Helping others? 

    Doing good deeds?

    Making others feel good?

    If so, you might be ready to join the kindness club!                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

    • Room 131

    Dr. Zamora


    Coding is a basic literacy in the digital age, and it is important for students to understand and be able to work with and understand the technology around them. Having students learn coding at a young age prepares them for the future. Coding helps students  with communication, creativity, math,writing, and confidence.

    • Room 240



    Creative Dance/BrainDance

    A holistic sequence of exercises to teach dance using 5-part lessons and strategies that create an environment in which the brain is ready, willing and able to learn.

    Classes are based on concepts and skills versus just skills. Each class focuses on 1-2 dance concepts: space, time, force, and the body.

    Danza Creativa / Danza para tu Cerebro.

    Las clases se basan en conceptos de danza/movimiento más que enfocarse en una habilidad de danza. Clases estructuradas para que el alumno y su cerebro estén listos, preparados y con ganas de aprender a bailar.

    • STAGE or a big space


    Art Fun Club

    Drawing and Painting Club 2021-22

    ¡Su estudiante aquí en la Escuela Primaria Nathaniel Hawthorne ha expresado interés en ser parte del Club de Arte! El Club de Arte ofrece a su estudiante la oportunidad de participar en proyectos de arte más interesantes e involucrados, así como en varios concursos. Art Club es después de la escuela la mayoría de los jueves, después de la escuela, de 3:15- 4:15 PM. Si su estudiante es un conductor de automóviles, y usted quiere que asista, por favor haga los arreglos para recoger a su hijo de la escuela a las 4:15 PM los jueves (frente a la escuela). Esperamos dar la bienvenida a sus estudiantes a este divertido y emocionante programa después de la escuela.

    Your student here at Nathaniel Hawthorne Elementary School has expressed interest in being part of the Drawing and Painting Club! The Drawing and Painting Club offers your students the opportunity to participate in more interesting and involved art projects, as well as various contests. Drawing and Painting Club is after school on most Thursdays, after school, from 3:15- 4:15 PM. If your student is a car rider, and you want him or her to attend, please make arrangements to pick up your child from school at 4:30 PM on Thursdays (in front of the school). We look forward to welcoming your students to this fun and exciting after-school program. Please provide the requested information and sign up below if you would like your student to be part of the Drawing and Painting Club!

    • The Art room 156




    When you’re curious, you find LOTS of interesting things to do. Learn teamwork, role-playing, game elements,and friendly competition while  playing  games.

    • Room 133




    (Knitting, Crochet, Sewing, Embroidery)

    We will learn the basic stitches involved in crochet, knitting, sewing and embroidery. Each 9 weeks we will work on small projects like a hand stitched embroidered bag, crochet washcloths, knit scarf and more!

    • Library





    ​​​​Provide the  time needed for children to develop essential skills in foundational body preparedness as well as handwriting acquisition.

    • Room 219



    Fashion Doodles

    This will be an exciting time to use your creativity to create fashions!!!  We will  also mix in fun fiction/non-fiction literature!!

    • Collaboration Area 136 across from Ms. Russell/Ms. Almaraz’ Rooms 



    The Soccer Club

    Come join us and learn the skills to be a professional soccer player. Do you have what it takes to be the new Cristiano Ronaldo? Come join this club and find out!

    • Meet in the Gym and we’ll move outside.



    Kidsorama  Club

    This club is about offering a time for students to relax and release stress. Students will enjoy reading books, using sensory toys, brain teasers, building blocks, using legos, puzzles, and coloring books.  

    • Room 233



    Dance/Tik Tok

    This club is all about dance, fun, and being able to be your true self! No rhythm that's ok all you need is you!


    Coach Clark



    In the game of baseball, students learn about teamwork. It’s a sport that allows students to grow from an individual to an athlete, all while learning on their team for support. Learning the importance of teamwork is more important than being the star of the game! Students are learning the basics of throwing and catching, fielding, striking the ball with a bat, and running bases from a single, double, triple, and homerun. Did you also know there are health benefits of playing baseball? Playing baseball builds strength in your arms and legs. It also helps to improve cardiovascular health. Playing baseball gives hand-eye coordination a big boost. When you play baseball, you’re also getting lots of Vitamin D.  Baseball is even good for the mind. Playing baseball involves making quick decisions and paying attention to your surroundings. Students will spend time socializing and getting to know their peers. IT’S TIME TO HIT A HOMERUN!!  

    • Gymnasium




    Love to cook and eat? Then the cooking/baking club is the right place to be. It doesn't matter how much you know, Everyone will be able to learn about cooking/baking. We will teach you the basics of cooking and baking

    • Rm 151

    • FLS 1 Classroom (Mrs. Rivas)



    Comic Book Club

    Love Comic Books, bring your own and discuss with others 

    • Rm 155

    • FLS2 Classroom (Mr. Nickson)


    (2-5 only)

    Student Council 

    This will be a group of elected and volunteer students working together with an adult advisor within the framework of a constitution or bylaws to provide a means for student expression and assistance in school affairs and activities, give opportunities for student experience in leadership and encourage student / faculty / community relations.

    • Room 241



    Art Drawing Club

    Students will learn more advanced art media, as well as improve drawing skills. Students will assist in art projects for the school.




    Healthy Balance

    Students will have the opportunity to participate and learn how to take care of their bodies (with movement) i.e. dancing, exercising, yoga/stretching, neighborhood walk, ..); Exercising the mind with dramatic read alouds,  sharing favorite books/stories...Individuality-expressing yourself via art, crafts, “kids say and do the darndest thing” Open MIC.

    • Room 227



    Memory & Concentration

    Have fun developing thinking skills , sequencing skills, reasoning skills and SEL just to name a few.

    • Room 140




    Have fun expressing yourself through cheerleading. Learn how to show school spirit and become a campus representative. 

    • Room 215