• The Hotchkiss Clinic works closely with the School Registrar to ensure students’ attendance, absence, and credits are excused and coded appropriately.

    Medical Appointments
    Students who have medical appointments should bring a note from the doctor and submit it to the registrar either in person or by email at cydominguez@dallasisd.org.

    Temporary Illness
    Students who miss school due to temporary illness need to notify the registrar by phone, email, or in person to receive excused absences for days missed. The registrar’s information is found on the Clinic Contact Information page. You may alert the school nurse, but it is not required to receive excused absences.

    The clinic staff are consistently monitoring students for signs and symptoms of COVID-19. The school nurse is responsible for documenting and reporting all student cases of COVID. It is important that parents or guardians complete the Google form for Covid positive students located HERE.

    Reporting a Positive Result
    If students test positive, please complete the COVID-19 POSITIVE Report Form on their behalf and upload a copy of their positive test result to the google form. The school nurse will contact a parent/guardian with a return-to-school date once the form has been submitted.

    Exposure to COVID
    It is no longer necessary to report exposures to COVID regardless of vaccination status.

    As of August 25, 2022, Dallas ISD no longer requires quarantine for students/staff who have been exposed to COVID-19. If your student has been exposed to COVID, monitor for symptoms (fever, cough, fatigue) daily. If your student develops symptoms, KEEP YOUR STUDENT HOME FROM SCHOOL and get tested for COVID as soon as possible. If your student does not develop symptoms after exposure, the student should be tested for COVID on day 5 after exposure.

    Students and staff who have had an exposure to COVID are advised to wear a mask for up to 10 days after exposure.

    Face Mask Policy
    As of February 28, 2022, face masks are now recommended on all Dallas ISD campuses. It is highly encouraged that students and staff wear face coverings to prevent the spread of disease, however, it is no longer required.

    For more information on Covid-19 policies in Dallas ISD visit this link:


  • Information taken from Dallas Independent School District Safety Protocols can be found at www.dallasisd.org.