• Rosemont Lower Principal | PK 4 - 2nd Grade

    Katie Benningfield | KWALANTAS@dallasisd.org | 972-502-3850

    Katie Benningfield is the proud daughter of a mother who inspired her love of reading by filling their home with books. She was born and raised in San Antonio, TX until her family moved to Santa Fe, NM during high school. At sixteen, Ms. Benningfield became acutely aware of opportunity gaps in education as she struggled to register for the same advanced classes she’d been a part of in Texas. From that moment on, she set out to ensure that all students, regardless of their background, would always have access to educational opportunities.

    Ms. Benningfield has served in Dallas ISD since 2014 when she began teaching fourth grade math and science at Annie Webb Blanton Elementary. Under the ACE program, Ms. Benningfield developed a passion for social-emotional learning and served as a model classroom for visitors across the state. After four years, she went on to help found the School for the Talented and Gifted in Pleasant Grove (STAG), a two-way dual language magnet campus as a 6th and 7th grade math and science teacher. In 2020, Ms. Benningfield was named Dallas ISD’s Secondary Teacher of the Year. 

    In 2021, Ms. Benningfield began her journey in school leadership as an Instructional Lead Teacher at STAG before becoming an Assistant Principal at Rosemont in 2022. At Rosemont, Ms. Benningfield felt like she’d found her home and was proud to be named Principal in the fall of 2023.

    Ms. Benningfield is committed to continuing the strong partnership between Rosemont and the community to provide equitable opportunities for all students. She is eager to collaborate with others to uphold Rosemont Lower as the premier neighborhood early childhood campus in Dallas ISD. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, hiking, and playing with her two dogs.




    Executive Principal of Rosemont Campuses | PK-8

    Marco Barker | mabarker@dallasisd.org| 972-502-3850
    In the summer of 2004, Marco Barker became an educator in Dallas Independent School District immediately after receiving his bachelor’s degree from Paul Quinn College. In 2013, he graduated from Southern Methodist University, where he obtained his master’s degree in Educational Administration becoming a campus administrator in the fall of 2013.  For the past three years, Mr. Barker has had the pleasure of serving as the proud principal of Rosemont Elementary and Middle Schools.
    Mr. Barker was born in San Andres Island (Colombia). He moved to Dallas, Texas in 2000 to further his education. Mr. Barker believes that every child can learn. Therefore, it is his responsibility as an educator to provide an environment in which ALL students can thrive and reach their maximum potential.
    Mr. Barker is a kindhearted and compassionate leader. He believes that education is the greatest equalizer and effective leadership is the key to success in every aspect of our lives. In his spare time, he enjoys motorcycles, scuba diving, and playing basketball.