Education Is Freedom

  • Mission
    Education is Freedom transforms lives through education.

    Education is Freedom (EIF) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit founded in 2002 by a dynamic board of corporate leaders who envisioned a world where every young person could pursue a college education. As business leaders, government officials, and entrepreneurs, EIF’s board was and is committed to creating an educated workforce that could build effective companies and strong communities in today’s knowledge-based economy.

    To accomplish this, EIF first offered renewable scholarships to first-time college students. This program quickly revealed that financial support alone was insufficient to ensure college success, especially for students with other profound social or economic barriers. In 2003, EIF launched a comprehensive, local, school-based program designed to improve the college going orientation in the Dallas Independent School District. Since then, EIF has helped over 100,000 students and their families in many school districts complete the college process.

    To further align with EIF’s vision of developing a skilled and educated workforce, EIF, along with the Mayor’s Office, launched the Mayor’s Intern Fellows Program in 2008. This eight week internship program has offered over 2,000 high school students the opportunity to intern at some of the largest and most respected corporations and non-profit organizations in the city of Dallas.

    Today, EIF has six main programs to achieve its mission of transforming lives through education. Those programs are High SchoolMiddle SchoolEIF ScholarsIntern ProgramsWorkforce Readiness, and Community Connection.

Meet Your Conrad EIF Team

Nabil Naser
Ariana Garcia, EIF
Chris Flood, EIF

Contact Your Campus EIF Team Today!