7:00 am Campus admission, supervision, and Breakfast in the classroom
8:00 am - Instruction begins - students are considered tardy if not in the classroom by this time
8:01 am - Tardy - students must come to the front office for a pass
8:21 am - Partial Day Absence excusable with official HealthCare note
2:50 pm - Early student release ends
3:20 pm - Dismissal
Absence - A student with a late arrival/early release (missing 20 minutes or more) or missing a full day of instruction will be coded as absent/partial day absence. An official healthcare note will update the student's attendance for the time lost.
Email CRC (jecordova@dallasisd.org) with an Official Document or Parent Note with the following information:
● Student's name
● Teacher's name
● Reason for absence
● Date(s) of absence
● Parent contact number and or email
Submit documentation within 3 days of absence.
Justified Absences
● Illness - parent note will cover up to 5 consecutive days per policy ● Medical/Dental Appointment - healthcare/dental note required ● Educational Appointments - documentation from educational facility required
● Death in Family - service documentation - 3 days permitted by policy ● Observance of Holy Day - indication of Holy Day required
3 or more unexcused absences will trigger the Dallas ISD Truancy Department correspondence via letters, e-mail, and/or phone
Attendance for Credit: According to Texas State law, each student must be in attendance 90% of the days the class is offered. The implementation of the Attendance for Credit Initiative is to ensure all students are in attendance 90% of the time a class is offered to certify successful accrual of final grade. Texas Compulsory Attendance Law-Official Notice and General Attendance Agreement Pledge
Per state mandate, our district must provide parents with the Texas Compulsory Attendance Law-Official Notice.