Dr. Wilson,


    I just had to take time out to give Chavez a shot out! I want to commend the school for providing us parents with a monthly calendar on the back of the Thunderbird Times. This calendar made my day. I was so disappointed last school year when it was not in place. I want to encourage the team to keep the calendar coming monthly. I am a single parent who works a fulltime job and though I am not able to participate in as many things as I would like to myself, I still want to be informed and know in advance of the events and happenings at Chavez and having the “know” for an entire month is awesome. This email is to encourage the team to keep the calendar going each month even if there is not much to tell please keep the calendar rolling. I would like to make one more suggestion. Can you please also have the monthly calendar added to the Caeasar Chavez website or facebook page each month? This way if the kids do not bring home the calendar or if we parents misplace the calendar we still have access to it without bothering the teacher or the office staff. I enjoy seeing new information posted on the website monthly and on the information sign outside the school. When I see current information it makes me feel that the staff and faculty are truly engaged and care. Honestly, this calendar has made such an impact on me that I will be attending the next PTO meeting. I will also make arrangements to come and munch with my munchkin and send a representative to have muffins with my child…..all because of this monthly calendar!!! Please give a big kudos to whoever put this calendar in place.


    Quote: “The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.” William Arthur Ward


    I’m Inspired!


    Kimberly Barefield