
    PTA SUPPORT FOR Nathan Adams                                                                  


     The Nathan Adams faculty and staff are devoted to making sure our children receive outstanding academic instruction and educational enrichment in a stimulating, safe and pleasant environment.  The PTA gives parents and guardians, teachers and friends a great  opportunity to support those efforts.  The PTA provides events and gifts that promote a sense of community and make things FUN for our Nathan Adams family!   Here are some of the things we do:

    · Plan and fund Nathan Adams family programs like Reading Night, Math Night and Science Night

    · Host special fun events like Field Day, the Fall Carnival, and more

    · Sponsor teacher appreciation events throughout the year

    · Organize new student orientation events

    · Help pay for field trips and special school activities.

    · Design, order and sell Nathan Adams Spirit t-shirts and sweatshirts


    When you join the PTA, half of your dues go support efforts like these (the rest go to the state PTA organization).  Our fundraisers along with efforts like Box Tops, the Tom Thumb & Kroger Reward Card programs,  and private donations provide the rest.