Kleberg Student Discipline Referral 24-25


Kleberg Service Center Discipline Referral 
The Kleberg Service Center provides services to all routes that begin with number 1.  Example Route #1031, 1220, etc...
1. Date and Time of Incident
Must contain a date in M/D/YYYY format
2. Transportation Services Information
3.  Student Information 
Student's Name required
First Name
Last Name
5. Type of Bus Misconductrequired
Transportation Services and Discipline 
1st Offense
Student Misconduct on the Bus- The parent/guardian of the student will be notified by Service Center Personnel. 
2nd Offense
Continue Misconduct on the Bus- The parent/guardian of the student will be notified by the Campus Behavior Coordinator/Administrator and will issue a warning against losing bus privileges. 
3rd Offense
After Third Violation of Bus Misconduct- The student will lose bus privileges.  The amount of time will be determined by the Campus Behavior Coordinator/Administrator based on the severity of the behavior incident and all offenses.  The Campus Behavior Coordinator/Administrator should document the amount of time the student will be removed from the bus on the discipline referral in the appropriate discipline system and communicate the disciplinary measure to the parent and the Student Transportation Services Department.