• Se requiere el uso de mascarillas

    Face Coverings Required

    Effective Tuesday, August 10, to protect staff and students from the spread of the highly contagious Delta variant of the coronavirus, Dallas ISD is requiring all staff, students and visitors to wear masks when on district property.

    The announcement comes as the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Dallas County Health officials have raised the COVID-19 alert to level red and reported that hospitalizations are rising at the fastest rate since the pandemic began, among all age groups, including children. Students under 12 are not eligible for a vaccine, however, school attendance is mandatory, and virtual learning is not an option at this time.  

    In keeping with the top priority of safeguarding the health and well-being of staff and students, the district will continue to provide masks and sanitizer at district facilities and will continue contact tracing.

    Governor Abbott’s order does not limit the district’s rights as an employer and educational institution to establish reasonable and necessary safety rules for its staff and students. Dallas ISD remains committed to the safety of our students and staff.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Here are answers to the some of the most frequently asked questions about the mask requirement. Our FAQ will be continually updated.


  • Why is Dallas ISD implementing a mask requirement?

  • Who does the masking requirement apply to?

  • How long will the mask requirement be in place?

  • Will students need to wear masks on the bus?

  • How will this affect students involved in extracurricular activities?

  • Will the district provide masks to students and staff?

  • What is Dallas ISD doing to encourage vaccinations?

  • Will staff be required to wear a mask in their office?

  • Does the mask requirement conflict with Gov. Greg Abbott’s executive order?

  • Will Dallas ISD continue with contact tracing?