• Mental Health Month

    The COVID-19 pandemic changed people’s lives in ways that might not yet be obvious. One of the repercussions of the isolation, loss and disruption of everyday life brought about by the pandemic has been the increase in mental and emotional health issues.

    Dallas ISD’s top priority is the safety and well-being of our staff, students and families, so we are putting an additional emphasis on recognizing mental health concerns and sharing resources during May, National Mental Health Awareness Month.. 

    All through May, the district is offering resources to help everyone “Be Kind to Your Mind.”

    Staff and families are encouraged to take advantage of the activities that promote mental, physical and emotional health and wellness here or explore Mental Health Services available throughout the year at  https://www.dallasisd.org/mentalhealth.


    Mental Health Month Resources

  • Wear Green To Support Mental Health

  • Mental Health Virtual Parent Night

  • Where to get help