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Comprehensive Safety Plan

Dallas ISD Comprehensive Safety Plan Header

The safety and well-being of students and staff is the district’s top priority, and Dallas ISD has taken a number of steps to ensure safer schools.

In response to recent safety concerns, the district formed two safety task forces—internal and external— comprising staff, students, parents, community members and safety and security professionals. These groups looked at a variety of data points, district’s safety protocols, national security trends, and potential issues for recommendations to guide the district’s safety decisions and upgrades. In addition, the district is implementing and going beyond the recent requirements from the Texas School Safety Center.

Each year, we seek to improve our learning environments and infrastructure so that students can feel at ease while they learn, and teachers are comfortable at work.

We understand one measure alone cannot ensure safety, which is why we are taking a multi-pronged approach to further protect our schools. Dallas ISD’s comprehensive safety plan includes:

  • facility enhancements and protocols
  • mental well-being programs for students
  • training and safety awareness for all staff
  • resources for reporting potential issues
  • outreach to parents to support school safety at home

Click the icons above to learn more about our new safety measures. 

Hear the full remarks provided by Superintendent Elizalde at the Tuesday, Aug. 2 press conference.