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Student Dress Code

Student Uniforms

Student Uniforms
The Dallas ISD Board of Trustees has approved the districts dress code policy that requires student uniforms for all elementary and middle school students.

A parent or guardian may request in writing an exemption to the mandatory student uniform policy based on religious or philosophical reasons. Parents and guardians should speak with the school principal about objections to the district's board-approved, standard uniform policy.

The required colors for elementary and middle school student uniforms are solid khaki, navy blue, or black for the bottom and white for the top. Schools may choose to add more than one solid color shirt other than white. The approved clothing items include shirts and blouses, turtleneck and polo-style shirts, slacks and pants, skirts and jumpers, shorts and capri pants, and jackets, cardigans, and sweaters.

Shirts, blouses, turtleneck, or polo-style shirts must have collars. Skirts, jumpers, shorts, and capri pants must be at least finger-tip length. The colors of cardigans, and sweaters must match the approved uniform colors and one additional solid color top to be determined by the campus.

Jackets are not limited to uniform colors. They must be appropriately sized and worn over an approved uniform. They may not contain offensive slogans, symbols, or other suggestive or controversial designs. Middle school students may wear jackets with hoods. 

Students must wear athletic shoes, loafers, dress shoes, or other closed-toe, closed-heel shoes. Closed-toe and open-heel mules are allowed.

Please note that uniform requirements can only be made for those articles of clothing that a district is willing to provide for students who cannot afford to purchase their own uniform. An example is undershirts which are not provided. Campuses have the authority to make adjustments to the functionality of the uniform with consultation of SBDM and PTA. For example, a campus could mandate that any undershirt different in color from the uniform, may not be visible.  
Parents of students who qualify for free/reduced lunch may request a uniform assistance application at their child's school. The district will provide one uniform each year to each approved student.