There are many ways for parents (and grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc.) to get involved at Stephen C. Foster Elementary. The combination of time and talent makes our school a truly amazing place to be. We hope that every family will find a way to share their interests and talents with the school.

    Below are a list of main outlets for volunteerism.



    The PTA plays an active role in building the community at Foster through fundraising, planning events, and countless hours of volunteer work both on and off campus. The cost to join the PTA is $15.00 per person. In addition to supporting efforts at the school, the dues go toward overhead costs to support PTA sponsored programs. To sign up, simply complete the membership form and return it and your dues to the PTA mail slot in the front office of the school. Checks are to be made payable to Foster PTA. If you are interested in helping with a specific program or event, please send your contact information to the PTA mail slot in the front office of the school, and someone from the committee will get in touch with you.

    PTA President: María Hernandez



    This committee includes the principal, parents, teachers, community members and campus staff. There are no dues. This committee is required by the state of Texas, and all minute and agendas are posted in the front office. The objective of the committee is to improve student performance and to enhance accountability. The committee works together to assess the educational outcomes of all students, determine goals and strategies, and ensure that strategies are implemented and adjusted to improve student achievement. This is a great place for volunteers who want to help make decisions that will improve the campus. Everyone is welcome, including community members that do not have children at the school.

    For questions, contact Principal Irma De La Guardia, 972-794-8100. 



    There are plenty of opportunities to help with the students including holiday parties, field trips, Field Day, and programs. The lower grades may also need more hands-on assistance during the regular day, eg: cafeteria assistance for kindergarten students. If you are interested in helping in the classroom, please make sure you have completed and submitted the DISD Volunteer form (sign up on our Voly system here). Then, send a note with your contact information and the type of help you’d like to provide to your home room teacher. Then, when classroom needs arise, you will be “in the loop”.