• PowerSchool Logo Banner

    The Family and Community Engagement Office assists parents who currently have a pre-existing PowerSchool/Parent Portal account and parents who would like to create a PowerSchool/Parent Portal account.




    Please email parentportal@dallasisd.org for all Parent Portal inquiries.

    Por favor, contáctenos vía correo electrónico a través de parentportal@dallasisd.org para cualquier pregunta sobre el Portal para Padres.

  • Types of Excused Absences/Tipos de Ausencias Justificadas

    Excuse Note EnglishExcuse Note Spanish

  • Parent Portal Coordinator

    Ingrid Baylon

    For questions and assistance, please email parentportal@dallasisd.org.

    Family and Community Engagement Office

    9400 N. Central Expwy, Ste 904

    Dallas, TX 75231