UIL Cheer

Madison Cheer

Today, November 11, 2020 was the Dallas ISD UIL Cheer Showdown. There were many schools competing, but,  due to COVID-19, family and friends weren’t allowed to attend. Most people see the sideline cheer; they see the pom-poms and dance side of it. They don’t understand competitive cheerleading exists, and that it is a hard and challenging sport to compete in. You have to be very precise with your moves, have spirit, and most importantly look like you want to cheer, smile, and have a positive attitude. Today was filled with great spirit. The “Great” James Madison Cheerleaders took to the floor and showed out. They were loud, sharp, high-spirited, had positive energy and attitudes, and most of all had fun and enjoyed themselves!!!

- Johnneka Greer #yearbookstaff