Across all demographics, students using Achieve3000®’s patented literacy solutions regularly exceeded their expected Lexile® reading growth by an average of 72 points, or more than 2X times the expected reading gains. Achieve3000’s Pro literacy solutions (KidBizPro® for grades 2-5, TeenBizPro®for grades 6-8, and EmpowerPro™ for grades 9-12) are uniquely designed to meet the needs of classrooms with a diverse mix of student abilities and needs: every student in class reads the same grade-appropriate content differentiated at their individual reading level, empowering all students to fully participate in whole-class instruction and discussions.
With deeply differentiated instruction; an adaptive content system that integrates ongoing assessment, engaging nonfiction content, and robust scaffolds; and linguistic supports for struggling students and English language learners, Pro accelerates learning gains and empowers all students to build critical college and career literacy skills.