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Two-Way Dual Language Immersion Program
Our award winning Two-Way Dual Language Immersion Program integrates language minority and language majority students in the same classroom with the goal of academic excellence and bilingual proficiency for both groups. The Two-Way model our competitiveness with private institutions that offer Spanish language education. Two-way immersion programs promote bilingualism and biliteracy, grade-level academic achievement, and positive cross-cultural attitudes and behaviors in all students.
Two-Way Dual Language Immersion Program Specifics:
· All students receive formal literacy instruction in Spanish first. English dominant students receive literacy instruction in Spanish in PK, K and 1st grade. English literacy is developed through research-based dual language strategies. Beginning in 2ndgrade, students receive literacy instruction in both English and Spanish.
· Homework assignments will be assigned in English and Spanish, but should be able to be completed independently by the student.
· Students engage in language development activities daily during Language of the Day activities and Bilingual Learning Centers (PK-2.)
· Students in grades 3-5 participate in intentional activities to facilitate language transfer of academic vocabulary during Language of the Day, Specialized Vocabulary Enrichment, Bilingual Research Centers and Computer/Science Lab to further develop biliteracy.
· Non-ELLs must test with ITBS in grades K-2, which is administered in English, but may opt to test in Spanish on STAAR in grades 3-5.
· Students will learn in an environment that promotes and supports bilingualism, biliteracy, and biculturalism
Program Fidelity Guidelines
To maintain the program with fidelity is to deliver it in the way it was designed by the DL Committee based on current research.
· 7 year commitment (Pre-K – 5)
· Quality language instruction in English and Spanish.
· Pre-K – 5 will have 50/50 instruction in English and Spanish.
· Follow Texas grade level TEKS.
· Supported by school district administrators, educator, parents and community members.
· Highly qualified personnel.
· Parents sign a DL commitment form.
· Active parent/school partnership.
Admission/Exit Guidelines
DL Program is open to all students in Dallas ISD. Participation is voluntary with a parent 6-7 year commitment of 6-7 years.
· They must enter the DL Program the 1st 6 weeks of Pre-K or Kindergarten.
· After 1 year in the program, in Pre-K or Kindergarten, there will be a second language assessment to show growth and evaluate continuing in the DL Program.
Parents and students admitted into the DL program have made a long-term commitment to remain in the program for its duration.
· After 1 year in the DL Program, in Pre-K or Kindergarten, a language assessment will be administered. If growth in the second language is not shown, the student will be exited from the DL Program.
· Parent request for withdrawal will only be considered due to extenuating circumstances and may go through a multi-step process including conferences with the teacher(s), Campus Administrators and LPAC committee members.
Student Performance Expectations
· Instruction will be provided in two languages and teachers will implement the practice of the 4 language skills; (Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking), needed to develop language and learning.
· All students will receive Language Arts instruction in English and Spanish 50/50 since the beginning of the program (PK-5th).
· Students will be integrated during most content instruction, and strategically paired with a native English speaker and a native Spanish speaker to ensure the academic growth of social and academic language.
· Teachers will assess students weekly using the ELPS-TELPAS Proficiency Level Descriptors to close the achievement gap.
· To establish grading procedures, Grade Speed will be implemented with a rubric of level descriptors for Beginning, Intermediate, Advanced and Advanced High in Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking.
· The program expects parents to be committed and supportive of the program once the student has been enrolled.
· Parent and student will be actively involved in homework, social and extra-curricular activities that support the program in order to become proficient in two languages.