• Companies offering free internet for your kids. 

    T-Mobile: The mobile phone service provider is providing unlimited data to all current customers who have plans with data for the next 60 days. It will also provide additional data to mobile hotspot users. https://t-mo.co/2QmPd3O

    Comcast: The cable giant is offering free access to its Xfinity WiFi hot spots for everyone, including non-subscribers, for 60 days. They also provide unlimited data to its customers for no extra charge and are not disconnecting internet service or charging late fees for customers who say they can't pay their bills. The company is also providing 60 days of free basic internet service to new customers (USA Today). https://comca.st/2WmP8AY

    AT&T: Like Comcast, AT&T is also providing free access to its public WiFi hot spots. The company also said its consumer home internet wireline customers and fixed wireless internet customers would receive unlimited data. https://soc.att.com/2QosvbI

    Charter Communications: The telecommunications company is providing free Spectrum broadband and Wi-Fi internet for the next 60 days to households with K-12 students or college students who don't already have a subscription. Like Comcast and AT&T, it's also offering its Wi-Fi hot spots for free to the public. http://bit.ly/2U0mfcp


    Como vamos a estar aprendiendo en el internet, aquí hay opciones de internet gratis para sus niños. 

     T-Mobile: T-Mobile va a proveer datos ilimitados por los siguientes 60 dias a todos sus clientes.  https://t-mo.co/2QmPd3O

     Comcast: Da acceso gratuito a todos sus hot spots por los siguientes 60 dias. También esta ofreciendo internet gratuito por los siguientes 60 dias a clientes nuevos. Y puede cancelar antes de los 60 dias sin ningún pago o problema. https://comca.st/2WmP8AY

     AT&T: Esta ofreciendo acceso gratuito a todos sus hot spots públicos alrededor de la ciudad. https://soc.att.com/2QosvbI

     Charter Communications: Esta ofreciendo internet y Wi-Fi gratis por los siguientes 60 dias a todos los hogares que tengan estudiantes en escuelas de Primaria a Preparatoria. Estos es para clientes nuevos que pueden cancelar antes de los 60 dias sin ningún costo. http://bit.ly/2U0mfcp