
    Methods of Academic and Personal Success 2022-2023            

    Teacher Information 

    Name: Mrs. Nivea White 

    Phone: (972)892-5900

    Class Location: Room 222

    Tutoring Hours: 4:40 pm after school on Tuesday (appointment preferred) 

    E-Mail: nmundine@dallasisd.org 

     Course Description: This course focuses on the skills and strategies necessary for students to make a successful transition into high school and an academic career. Students will explore the options available in high school, higher education, and the professional world to establish both immediate and long-range personal goals. After identifying their individual learning styles and abilities, students will build on these abilities by developing critical time management, organization, and study skills. The courses focus on self-understanding, decision-making, resiliency, attitude, character education, and leadership to help students maximize personal achievement. Students will develop the specific strategies necessary to achieve their personal and professional goals. The course emphasizes proactive problem solving, self-determination, and independent thinking and learning skills. In addition, students will explore and experience collaboration as a tool for creative problem solving.


    A combination of lectures, class discussion, presentations, videos, cooperative learning, and problem-based learning will be used in this course. Grades will be determined by the satisfactory and timely completion of assignments. The grade of each assignment is based on the prerequisite given for each assignment. Below is an overview of topics/ units and major assessments/assignments for this course. Please note dates/timeframes are subject to change and are an estimate.

    Grading Cycle


    1st 9-Weeks Grading Cycle

    Academic Ownership (Cyberbullying, College Major, Career Choice, Educational Goals, Study Habits, Mental and Emotional Health, Succeeding Academically), TSI-College Entry Exam Prep and Tutorials, and navigating through Blackboard)

    Professional Success I (Professional Goals, Professionalism, Professional Email, Job Search, Resume, Recommendation Letter, Job Interview, TSI-College Entry Exam Prep and Tutorials, and navigating through Blackboard)

    2nd 9-Weeks Grading Cycle

    Effective Communication (Confident Speaker, Speech Preparation, Communicating Ethically, Introduction of Speech, Outlining a Speech, Communicating Effectively within Teams)

    3rd 9-Weeks Grading Cycle

    Financial Management (Setting Financial Goals, Create a Budget, Bank Selection Based on Needs and Wants, Type of Loans, Credit and Credit Scores, Paying for College, Money Moves)

    4th  9-Weeks Grading Cycle

    Civic Responsibility (U.S. Democracy, Voting, Media Source Reliability, Mass Movements and Communication, Government Issues and Personal Impact)

    Parents are encouraged to contact me regarding any concerns regarding their children in my class. You can reach me at my email address or you can leave a message. I will do my best to return emails and/or phone calls within 24 to 48 hours. 


    Student Evaluation (Grading Policy)

    1. Classwork/Homework-45%
    2. Tests-20%
    3. Projects-20% 
    4. Six Weeks Assessments-15%: 

    Late work: Maximum grade of 70 (case-by-case)

    Grading Policy: Each grading cycle, grades will be based on completion of assignments, test performance, class presentations, class participation, projects and group activities. Grades are available for review at any time before or after school (except Monday and Friday). 

    Make-up Policy: Students who are absent will have four days to complete and submit work for each day missed from class without penalty. Classwork/ homework penalties are applied if work is not submitted on time. 

    Tutoring: I will be available for face-to-face tutoring on Tuesday and Wednesday beginning at 4:40pm. Please take advantage of tutoring if needed during these hours or by appointment. 

    Attendance Policy: Regular and prompt class attendance is an essential part of the educational experience. P-Tech expects students to exercise good judgment regarding attendance and absences. Students will accept full responsibility for ensuring their work does not suffer because of absences. All students are expected to attend every scheduled class on time. Exceptions may be made for illness and valid emergencies.

     Classroom Expectations 

    1. Arrive to class on time. 
    2. Be prepared mentally and physically. 
    3. Respect your classmates and teacher at all times.
    4. Give your all, all the time and ENJOY (actively participate).
    5. Be responsible for your actions. 
    6. Give 100% effort.

    Plagiarism, Cheating, and Academic Integrity

    Plagiarism is the practice of copying words, sentences, images, or ideas for use in written or oral assessments without giving proper credit to the source. Cheating is defined as the giving or receiving of illegal help on anything that has been determined by the teacher to be an individual effort. Both are considered serious offenses and will significantly affect your course grade. 

    Required Supplies: 

    • Laptop
    • Folder 
    • Spiral Notebook
    • Pencils and pens (blue preferably)
    • Highlighter
    • Personal Sanitizer
    • Kleenex or tissue


    1. Homework is to be turned in before the beginning of class. It is the student’s responsibility to turn it in even if I do not ask for their homework. 
    2. All work must show the proper heading. 
    3. In case of an absence, students will be responsible for scheduling make-up tests and quizzes to be completed outside of class time. Students should turn in all homework assignments on the day they return to school. 
    4. There will be a bell ringer/Do Now at the beginning of class on most days and needs to be completed within 10 minutes after the bell rings. Bell ringers/Do Now will often be graded as a weekly average.

    Classroom Rules 

    1. Be seated and ready to begin the lesson when the bell rings. 
    2. All electronic devices , other than laptops for instructional purposes,should be put away. 
    3. Bring all the materials and supplies to class.
    4. Raise your hand and wait until called on to speak.
    5. Class is not dismissed until I dismiss it (not the bell).
    6. Three before me. Ask three students before the teacher.

    Collaborative Group Norms

    1. Start/End on Time
    2. All technology is on task.
    3. Ask questions. Own results. Invite debate.
    4. Consider the 3rd way.
    5. Maintain Confidentiality.
    6. All hands on deck! 


    1. Warning
    2. Call home to parents
    3. Office referral 


    1. Recognition of positive behavior.
    2. A positive phone call or note home. 
    3. Extra points for daily grades.
    4. Class privileges.
    5. A great learning experience!